Sunday, September 28, 2008

We Made It! Vacation Stopover in CO

After almost 1900 miles across 9 states we finally pulled in to Castle Rock, Colorado at about 8:00 mountain time last night. It was nice to know we would finally be able to relax with family and have some "normal" meals for a few days until we resume our push on Wednesday morning.

Thanks to everyone for all of the encouraging calls, texts, and e-mails - it's made it fun for us to know we're not alone on the journey!!

For those who have asked about the "setup", this is it: everything we own (including cats) in three compact units:

It really has all gone very smoothly, although the Jeep was begging us for mercy when we finally parked here - it seems like such a flat trip, but from the western side of Kansas (the longest state in the universe, by the way, outranking Pennsylvania and Nebraska for us) across the eastern side of Colorado, you are slowly but steadily climbing. She and the cats are definitely thankful for a break from our recent daily routine.

More to follow...

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