Monday, September 29, 2008

A Surprise Visit

Our uneventful (just how we like it) road trip found a bit of excitement Monday morning...

Long story short, we wake up hearing footsteps upstairs in the kitchen, the doorbell, and other noises that would lead you to believe it was the start of another workday for everyone but us. Wrong! Things quiet down and a little while later I head complete darkness except for flashing red and blue lights all over the living room. It's 3:20 AM, and I look out the front window to see a fire engine across the front of the house, two police vehicles, firefighters all over the cul-de-sac and driveway, and a hose running from the engine to my right, between us and the house next door.

I called down to Shawn, telling him that I think there is a fire next door, he comes up to see what's happening, then his brother Mike comes down and clears up the confusion.

Turns out mulch in the yard caught fire in the middle of the night, and Mike got a call from a neighbor across the street letting him know that his fence was on fire. As he was hosing it down, Castle Rock FD showed up to finish the job, and everyone went back to bed. Hopefully that will be it for our road trip excitement.

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